
Associations and Organisations (both National & International)

AUSBALE: Ausbale is a group of building industry professionals, researchers, owner builders, and interested people who share our knowledge and experiences. 
This website is a place to ask questions, find answers, seek inspiration, share photos, articles, advice and contribute to the growing movement towards better, smarter, ecologically sustainable, non-toxic and beautiful buildings.
Contact members in your state with any queries - refer to the Find a Professional directory.
Ausbale - Earth Building Association of Australia 

EBANZ: EBANZ produces 4 high quality magazines per year sent to all members covering many aspects of earth building, and there is some equipment, literature, and expertise available to members. It is our aim to facilitate as much networking between members and interested people as possible.... 
Earth Building Association of New Zealand comprising BRANZ Inc and BRANZ Ltd and their partly-owned subsidiaries, is owned and directed by New Zealand's building and construction industry. Want to know more about who we are, how we work and how we're funded? Click on a link to find out more...
Building Research in the construction industry

Sustainable Business Network Give your business a head start - if you're serious about improving and benchmarking your business' sustainable performance, then its time to take the Get Sustainable Challenge... 
Sustainable Business Network

PermaCulture: Permaculture in New Zealand's mission is to act as a national hub in promoting and empowering permaculture education, activism and advocacy in Aotearoa NZ....
NZ culture & trade website

EBAA: The Earth Building Association of Australia (EBAA) is an organisation formed to promote the use of Unfired Earth as a building medium throughout Australia. EBAA is a broad based organisation which has members that include builders, specialist contractors, tradespeople and ownerbuilders, specialist manufacturers and suppliers, architects and designers, consultants, educators and students, with a common interest in the use of Unfired Earth....
Earth Building Association of Australia 

Builders Without Borders is an international network of ecological builders who advocate the use of straw, earth and other local, affordable materials in construction. We believe that the solution to homelessness is not merely housing, but individuals and communities trained to house themselves....
natural builder networking

Workshops & Lectures

Whether you are a homeowner builder or a seasoned builder, learn the art and science of straw bale design and construction..
Register on-line... 

Straw bale homes

From conceptual design through to the construction process, we will guide you in creating the straw bale home you always wanted. View our portfolio...

Our Work

We love simple design solutions.  We find that they are beautiful when combined with the use of natural materials.
Learn about our process... 

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