Associations & Affiliations
Associations and Organisations
AUSBALE: Ausbale is a group of building industry professionals, researchers, owner builders, and interested people who share our knowledge and experiences.
This website is a place to ask questions, find answers, seek inspiration, share photos, articles, advice and contribute to the growing movement towards better, smarter, ecologically sustainable, non-toxic and beautiful buildings.
We are currently the New Zealand South Island Representative for AUSBALE and sit on the Committee.
Ausbale - Earth Building Association of Australia
EBANZ: EBANZ produces 4 high quality magazines per year sent to all members covering many aspects of earth building, and there is some equipment, literature, and expertise available to members. It is our aim to facilitate as much networking between members and interested people as possible.... We are currently EBANZ Members. We hosted the Annual EBANZ Conference in 2010 in Peel Forest...what a GREAT event it was!
Earth Building Association of New Zealand
LBP: Sarah is a LBP (Licensed Building Practitioner) and able to do restricted building work under her Design license.
Department of Building & Housing
Always check the LBP Register to ensure your building practitioner is licensed.